Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Cara configure server riverbed

Configurasi Riverbed steelhead
Pertama Pasang kabel console dari server riverbed ke Pc, lihat dulu port console nya berupa USB,  VGA atau UTP, setelah itu kabel power  di colikin ke sumber listrik lalu buka aplikasi putty, pilih serial lalu pilih comp berapa pada PC port anda...
setelah connect lakukan perintah dibawah dengan menyesuaikan IP yang ingin diconfigure sesuai topology.
maka akan tampil teks di putty berikut ini;
Riverbed Steelhead
amnesiac login: admin
Last login: Tue Aug 27 12:35:36 on ttyS0
amnesiac > en
amnesiac # config terminal
amnesiac (config) # configuration jump-start
Riverbed Steelhead configuration wizard.
Step 1: Hostname? [amnesiac] Riverbed-1
Step 2: Use DHCP on primary interface? [yes] no
Step 3: Primary IP address?
Step 4: Netmask? []
Step 5: Default gateway?
Step 6: Primary DNS server?
Step 7: Domain name?
Step 8: Admin password?
Step 9: SMTP server? []
Step 10: Notification email address?
Step 11: Set the primary interface speed? [auto]
Step 12: Set the primary interface duplex? [auto]
Step 13: Would you like to activate the in-path configuration? [no] yes
Step 14: In-Path IP address?
Step 15: In-Path Netmask? []
Step 16: In-Path Default gateway?
Step 17: Set the in-path:LAN interface speed? [auto]
Step 18: Set the in-path:LAN interface duplex? [auto]
Step 19: Set the in-path:WAN interface speed? [auto]
Step 20: Set the in-path:WAN interface duplex? [auto]
You have entered the following information:
1. Hostname: RVB-JKT-02
2. Use DHCP on primary interface: no
3. Primary IP address:
4. Netmask:
5. Default gateway:
6. Primary DNS server:
7. Domain name:
8. Admin password: (unchanged)
9. SMTP server:
10. Notification email address:
11. Set the primary interface speed: auto
12. Set the primary interface duplex: auto
13. Would you like to activate the in-path configuration: yes
14. In-Path IP address:
15. In-Path Netmask:
16. In-Path Default gateway:
17. Set the in-path:LAN interface speed: auto
18. Set the in-path:LAN interface duplex: auto
19. Set the in-path:WAN interface speed: auto
20. Set the in-path:WAN interface duplex: auto
To change an answer, enter the step number to return to.
Otherwise hit <enter> to save changes and exit.
Configuration changes saved.
Riverbed-1 > enable
Riverbed-1 # restart
setelah selesai, disini terserah anda jika ingin mau restart apa mau shutdown, kalau  mau di shudown perintanya
Riverbed-1 # rel h
Access Web ui :
configuration -> Optimization -> in-path rule
Optimization -> Connected Appliance
semoga bermanfaat...

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