Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Install dan cek versi switch power connect 2824

a42321Sebelum install power connect 2824 anda pasang dulu kabel console dari switch power connect ke Pc, lihat dulu port console nya berupa USB,  VGA atau UTP, setelah itu kabel power  di colikin ke sumber listrik lalu buka aplikasi putty, pilih serial lalu pilih comp berapa pada PC port anda lalu klik ok
setelah connect lakukan perintah dibawah dengan menyesuaikan IP yang ingin diconfigure sesuai topology yang di inginkan
setelah itu lihatlah tampilan pada putty, berikut tampilanya.
------ Performing the Power-On Self Test (POST) ------
UART Channel Loopback Test........................PASS
Testing the System SDRAM..........................PASS
Boot1 Checksum Test...............................PASS
Boot2 Checksum Test...............................PASS
Flash Image Validation Test.......................PASS
BOOT Software Version Built  17-Jul-2012  08:47:13
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Board Type - PowerConnect 2824
PowerConnect 2824 board based on FireFox 88E6218 ARM946E-S processor
64 MByte SDRAM. I-Cache 8 KB. D-Cache 8 KB. Cache Enabled.
MAC Address   :  d0:67:e5:be:59:a9.
Autoboot in 2 seconds - press RETURN or Esc. to abort and enter prom.
Preparing to decompress...
Decompressing SW from image-1
Running from RAM...
Operational Mode old state managed; new state managed
Operational Mode - mode is managed
*** Running  SW  Ver.  Date  23-Feb-2012  Time  15:52:47 ***
HW version is 00.00.03
Base Mac address is: d0:67:e5:be:59:a9
Dram size is  : 64M bytes
Dram first block size is  : 46380K bytes
Dram first PTR is  : 0x12B5000
Flash size is: 8M
01-Jan-2000 00:00:03 %CDB-I-LOADCONFIG: Loading startup configuration.
Device configuration:
Slot 1 - PowerConnect 2824
-- Unit Standalone                --
Tapi Version: v1.3.3.1
Core Version: v1.3.3.1
01-Jan-2000 00:00:17 %INIT-I-InitCompleted: Initialization task is completed
01-Jan-2000 00:00:17 %Environment-I-FAN-STAT-CHNG: FAN# 1 status changed - operational.
01-Jan-2000 00:00:17 %Environment-I-FAN-STAT-CHNG: FAN# 1 status changed - operational.
01-Jan-2000 00:00:17 %Entity-I-SEND-ENT-CONF-CHANGE-TRAP: entity configuration change trap.
01-Jan-2000 00:00:17 %SNMP-I-CDBITEMSNUM: Number of startup configuration items loaded: 0
Welcome to Dell Easy Setup Wizard.
The Setup Wizard guides you through the initial switch configuration, and gets
you up and running as quickly as possible.  You can skip the setup wizard, and
enter CLI mode to manually configure the switch.
The system will prompt you with a default answer; by pressing enter, you accept
the default.
You must respond to the next question to run the setup wizard within
60 seconds, otherwise the system will continue with normal operation using
the default system configuration.
Would you like to enter the setup wizard (you must answer this question within
60 seconds)? (Y/N)[Y] Y
You can exit the Setup Wizard at any time by entering [ctrl+Z].
The system is not setup for SNMP management by default.
To manage the switch using SNMP (required for Dell Network Manager) you can
* Setup the initial SNMP version 2 account now.
* Return later and setup additional SNMP v1/v2 accounts.
For more information on setting up SNMP accounts, please see the user
Would you like to setup the SNMP management interface now? (Y/N)[Y] Y
To setup the SNMP management account you must specify the management system IP
address and the "community string" or password that the particular management
system uses to access the switch. The wizard automatically assigns the highest
access level [Privilege Level 15] to this account.
You can use Dell Network Manager or CLI to change this setting, and to add
additional management systems. For more information on adding management
systems, see the user documentation.
To add a management station:
Please enter the SNMP community string to be used: [Dell_Network_Manager] enter
Please enter the IP address of the Management System (A.B.C.D) or wildcard
( to manage from any Management Station:[] enter
Now we need to setup your initial privilege (Level 15) user account.
This account is used to login to the CLI, Telnet and Web interface.
You may setup other accounts and change privilege levels later.
For more information on setting up user accounts and changing privilege levels,
see the user documentation.
To setup a user account:
Enter the user name<1-20>:[admin]
Please enter the user password:********
Please reenter the user password:********
Next, an IP address is setup.
The IP address is defined on the default VLAN ,(VLAN #1) . This is the IP
address you use to access the Telnet, Web interface, or SNMP interface for the
switch. To setup an IP address:
Please enter the IP address of the device (A.B.C.D)
Please enter the IP subnet mask (A.B.C.D or nn):[]
Finally, setup the default gateway.
Please enter the IP address of the gateway from which this network is reachable
(e.g. gateway (A.B.C.D):[]
This is the configuration information that has been collected:
SNMP Interface =
User Account setup = admin
Password = **********
Management IP address =
Default Gateway =
If the information is correct, please select (Y) to save the configuration, and
copy to the start-up configuration file. If the information is incorrect,
select (N) to discard configuration and restart the wizard: (Y/N)[Y] Y
Configuring SNMP management interface.
Configuring user account.......
Configuring IP and subnet......
Thank you for using Dell Easy Setup Wizard.  You will now enter CLI mode.

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