Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Configure dan Setting IP Dell power connect 2824

Berikuk perintah command pada dell power connect 2824
console> en
console# config t
% Wrong number of parameters or invalid range, size or characters entered
console# config terminal
console# config terminal
% Wrong number of parameters or invalid range, size or characters entered
console# config t
% Wrong number of parameters or invalid range, size or characters entered
ketik config terminal spasi ? enter nanti muncul di bawah ini
clear                Reset functions
configure            Enter configuration mode
copy                 Copy from one file to another
debug-mode           Exit from the EXEC to debug mode
exit                 Exit from the EXEC
help                 Description of the interactive help system
login                Exit from the EXEC and Log in
ping                 Send echo messages
reload               Halt and perform a cold restart
restore-defaults     Restore device's configuration to default
show                 Show running system information
console# show
ip                   IP information
tech-support         Show system information
console# show ip
% Incomplete command
console# show ip
interface            IP interface status and configuration
console# show ip interface
Gateway IP Address        Activity status       Type
----------------------- ----------------------- --------             Inactive                static
IP Address                I/F            Type
----------------------- -------------------- ---------         vlan 1               Static
clear                Reset functions
configure            Enter configuration mode
copy                 Copy from one file to another
debug-mode           Exit from the EXEC to debug mode
exit                 Exit from the EXEC
help                 Description of the interactive help system
login                Exit from the EXEC and Log in
ping                 Send echo messages
reload               Halt and perform a cold restart
restore-defaults     Restore device's configuration to default
show                 Show running system information
console# configure
console(config)# configure
% Unrecognized command
console(config)# configure
% Unrecognized command
console(config)# exit
console# configure
console# configure
asset-tag            Specify an asset-tag for the device
do                   execute an EXEC-level command
end                  Exit from configure mode
exit                 Exit from configure mode
help                 Description of the interactive help system
interface            Select an interface to configure
no                   Negate command
snmp-server          Configure SNMP and system commands.
username             Establish User Name Authentication.
console(config)# interface
% Incomplete command
console(config)# interface
ethernet             IEEE 802.3 Ethernet port
port-channel         IEEE 802.3 Link Aggregation interface
vlan                 Configure an IEEE 802.1 VLAN
console(config)# interface ethernet
% missing mandatory parameter
console(config)# interface ethernet
PORT                 IEEE 802.3 Ethernet port number
console(config)# interface ethernet port
% bad parameter value
console(config)# interface ethernet port
console(config)# interface ethernet port
% bad parameter value
console(config)# exit
console# show
ip                   IP information
tech-support         Show system information
console# show ip
interface            IP interface status and configuration
console# show ip interface
Gateway IP Address        Activity status       Type
----------------------- ----------------------- --------            Inactive                static
IP Address                I/F            Type
----------------------- -------------------- ---------         vlan 1               Static
console# configure
asset-tag            Specify an asset-tag for the device
do                   execute an EXEC-level command
end                  Exit from configure mode
exit                 Exit from configure mode
help                 Description of the interactive help system
interface            Select an interface to configure
no                   Negate command
snmp-server          Configure SNMP and system commands.
username             Establish User Name Authentication.
console(config)# interface
% Incomplete command
console(config)# interface
ethernet             IEEE 802.3 Ethernet port
port-channel         IEEE 802.3 Link Aggregation interface
vlan                 Configure an IEEE 802.1 VLAN
console(config)# interface vlan
VLAN_ID              Specify IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID.
console(config)# interface vlan 1
console(config-if)# interface vlan 1
console(config-if)# exit
console(config)# interface vlan 1
console(config)# interface vlan 1
do                   execute an EXEC-level command
end                  Exit from configure mode
exit                 Exit from current context
help                 Description of the interactive help system
ip                   IP commands
name                 set vlan name
no                   Negate command
console(config-if)# ip
address              Set the IP address of an interface
console(config-if)# ip address
A.B.C.D              IP address
console(config-if)# ip address
A.B.C.D or /n        IP subnet mask or IP prefix length
console(config-if)# ip address
A.B.C.D              Default gateway Address
console(config-if)# ip address
console(config-if)# ip address 182.168.xx.xx
console(config-if)# exit
console(config)# exit
console# exit
console> en
console# en
% Unrecognized command
console# show ip
% Incomplete command
console# show ip
interface            IP interface status and configuration
console# show ip interface
Gateway IP Address        Activity status       Type
----------------------- ----------------------- --------            Inactive                static
IP Address                I/F            Type
----------------------- -------------------- ---------         vlan 1               Static
clear                Reset functions
configure            Enter configuration mode
copy                 Copy from one file to another
debug-mode           Exit from the EXEC to debug mode
exit                 Exit from the EXEC
help                 Description of the interactive help system
login                Exit from the EXEC and Log in
ping                 Send echo messages
reload               Halt and perform a cold restart
restore-defaults     Restore device's configuration to default
show                 Show running system information
console# reload
console# reload
This command will reset the whole system and disconnect your current session. Do you want to continue ? (Y/N)[N] Y
Shutting down ...
Shutting down ...
*****************  SYSTEM RESET  *****************
------ Performing the Power-On Self Test (POST) ------
UART Channel Loopback Test........................PASS
Testing the System SDRAM..........................PASS
Boot1 Checksum Test...............................PASS
Boot2 Checksum Test...............................PASS
Flash Image Validation Test.......................PASS
BOOT Software Version Built  17-Jul-2012  08:47:13
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Board Type - PowerConnect 2824
PowerConnect 2824 board based on FireFox 88E6218 ARM946E-S processor
64 MByte SDRAM. I-Cache 8 KB. D-Cache 8 KB. Cache Enabled.
MAC Address   :  d0:67:e5:be:59:a9.
Autoboot in 2 seconds - press RETURN or Esc. to abort and enter prom.
Preparing to decompress...
Decompressing SW from image-1
Running from RAM...
Operational Mode old state managed; new state managed
Operational Mode - mode is managed
*** Running  SW  Ver.  Date  23-Feb-2012  Time  15:52:47 ***
HW version is 00.00.03
Base Mac address is: d0:67:e5:be:59:a9
Dram size is  : 64M bytes
Dram first block size is  : 46380K bytes
Dram first PTR is  : 0x12B5000
Flash size is: 8M
01-Jan-2000 00:00:03 %CDB-I-LOADCONFIG: Loading startup configuration.
Device configuration:
Slot 1 - PowerConnect 2824
-- Unit Standalone                --
Tapi Version: v1.3.3.1
Core Version: v1.3.3.1
01-Jan-2000 00:00:17 %INIT-I-InitCompleted: Initialization task is completed
01-Jan-2000 00:00:17 %Environment-I-FAN-STAT-CHNG: FAN# 1 status changed - operational.
01-Jan-2000 00:00:17 %Environment-I-FAN-STAT-CHNG: FAN# 1 status changed - operational.
01-Jan-2000 00:00:17 %Entity-I-SEND-ENT-CONF-CHANGE-TRAP: entity configuration change trap.
01-Jan-2000 00:00:17 %SNMP-I-CDBITEMSNUM: Number of startup configuration items loaded: 3
console> 01-Jan-2000 00:00:20 %LINK-W-Down:  g1
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g2
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g3
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g4
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g5
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g6
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g7
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g8
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g9
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g10
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g11
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g12
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g13
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g14
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g15
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g16
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g17
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g18
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g19
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g20
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g21
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g22
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g23
01-Jan-2000 00:00:21 %LINK-W-Down:  g24
console> en
console# show
ip                   IP information
tech-support         Show system information
console# show ip
interface            IP interface status and configuration
console# show ip interface
ethernet             IEEE 802.3 Ethernet port
vlan                 IEEE 802.1Q VLAN
port-channel         IEEE 802.3 Link Aggregation interface
console# show ip interface
Gateway IP Address        Activity status       Type
----------------------- ----------------------- --------            Inactive                static
IP Address                I/F            Type
----------------------- -------------------- ---------         vlan 1               Static
console# 01-Jan-2000 00:02:27 %INIT-I-Startup: Warm Startup
01-Jan-2000 00:03:01 %LINK-I-Up:  Vlan 1
01-Jan-2000 00:03:01 %LINK-I-Up:  g1
01-Jan-2000 00:03:31 %STP-W-PORTSTATUS: g1: STP status Forwarding
01-Jan-2000 00:04:01 %AAA-I-CONNECT: New http connection for user admin, source 182.168.xx.xxxdestination ACCEPTED

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